Electric Patterns

As part of the Brixton Townscape Heritage Initiative we held an open call for designs to revitalise the night-scape of Electric Avenue.

The historic street, animated during the day by the busy, colourful shop fronts, vendors and shoppers, appeared abandoned and hostile at night due to the solid metal shutters used by businesses to protect their premises. These roller shutters became our canvases.

Our open call to the local community invited them to design patterns that reimagined moments from Brixton’s history: installed patterns take their inspiration from the Booth Poverty Map, symbols from electrical circuits, curry goat, barber’s shops, the fruits and vegetables of the market.

The colourful, eye-catching, designs create a rejuvenated landscape, filled with inspiration. The abstract patterns reflect Brixton’s essential spirit and begin to create a new visual language that is unique but in keeping with the community-driven values behind the art of Brixton.

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